Rules and Regulations

TAS is an affiliated National Federation under World Triathlon and Asia Triathlon, and therefore events sanctioned by TAS will take place under World Triathlon competition rules, where applicable.

Athletes should be aware of the full World Triathlon competition rules.

The basic rules when taking part in a Triathlon are set out below.


  1. Athletes may use any stroke to propel themselves through the water. They may also tread water or float. Athletes are allowed to push off the ground at the beginning and the end of every swim lap;
  2. Athletes must follow the prescribed swim course;
  3. Athletes may stand on the bottom or rest by holding an inanimate object, such as a buoy or stationary boat;
  4. In an emergency, an athlete should raise an arm overhead and call for assistance. Once official assistance is rendered, the athlete must retire from the competition.


  1. An athlete is not permitted to:
    • Block other athletes;
    • Cycle with a bare torso;
    • Make forward progress without being in possession of the bike.
  2. Dangerous Behaviour:
    • Athletes must obey the specific traffic regulations for the event, unless a Technical Official advises otherwise;
    • Athletes leaving the field of play for safety reasons have to return to it without gaining any advantage. If advantage is gained due to this action, the athlete will receive a time penalty to be served in Transition Area for Age Groupers and at the run penalty box for everyone else.
  3. Handlebars: Only handlebars and clip-on bars not extending beyond the leading edge of the front wheel will be permitted. Clip-on bars in two pieces do not need to be bridged. All tube ends have to be plugged;
  4. Helmets: The helmet must be securely fastened at all times and any garment worn underneath must not affect the fit when the athlete is in possession of the bike, which means from the time they remove their bike from the rack at the start of the bike leg, until after they have placed their bike on the rack at the finish of the bike leg;
  5. Illegal Equipment: Illegal equipment includes, but is not limited to: Headphone(s), headset(s), technical earplug(s) or smart helmets which are inserted or covering the ears, glass containers, Mirrors;
  6. Drafting: In Age Group non-drafting events, it is forbidden to cycle close behind another competitor in order to gain a benefit from the reduced wind resistance or drag. Age Group bicycle draft zone: The bicycle draft zone will be 10 meters long measured from the leading edge of the front wheel. An athlete may enter the draft zone of another athlete, but must be seen to be progressing through that zone. A maximum of 20 seconds will be allowed to pass through the zone of another athlete.


  1. The athletes will:
    • Run or walk;
    • Not crawl;
    • Not run with a bike helmet on;
    • Not use posts, trees or other fixed elements to assist manoeuvring curves;
    • Not be accompanied by team members, team managers or other pacemakers on the course.
  2. Finish Definition: An athlete will be judged as “finished”, the moment any part of the torso, reaches the perpendicular line extending from the leading edge of the finish line;
  3. Illegal Equipment: Headphone(s) and headset(s), mobile phones or any other electronic listening communication device, glass containers, running shoes with spiked soles.

Transition Area

  1. All athletes must have their helmet securely fastened from the time they remove their bike from the rack before the start of the bike leg, until after they have placed their bike on the rack after the finish of the bike leg;
  2. Athletes must use only their designated bike rack;
  3. Athlete must not impede the progress of other athletes in the transition area;
  4. Athletes must not interfere with another athlete’s equipment in the transition area;
  5. Marking positions in the transition area is forbidden. Marks and objects used for marking purposes will be removed and the athletes will not be notified;
  6. Cycling is not permitted inside the transition area, except during the cycling segment. Mount and Dismount lines are part of the transition area;
  7. Mount and dismount lines: Athletes must mount their bicycles after the mount line by having one complete foot contact with the ground after the mount line. Athletes must dismount their bicycles before the dismount line by having one complete foot contact with the ground before the dismount line;
  8. While in the transition area (before the mount line and after the dismount line) the bike can be pushed only by the athlete’s hands;
  9. If during the mount or dismount manoeuvre, the athlete loose their shoe(s) or other equipment, they will be collected by the TOs and no penalty will be applied;
  10. Nudity or indecent exposure is forbidden.