High Performance Programme

The TAS High Performance Programme (HPP) provides a more evidence-based and performance-driven approach in the development of our athletes.


To prepare athletes for medal-winning performances at Major Games, as well as World Triathlon events including World and Continental Cups and Championships.


  1. Athletes must be a citizen of Singapore, or a Permanent Resident of Singapore (with the intention to convert to citizenship in the near future);
  2. Athletes must be a current financial member of TAS;
  3. Athletes must be in good standing with TAS and its affiliate partners;
  4. Athletes must not have represented any other NF at Junior, U23 or Elite level in the calendar year.

TAS Squads

There are 4 squads:

HPP National A Squad

HPP National B Squad

HPP Development Squad

HPP ID Squad

Each squad has different entry criteria, requirements, expectations and benefits. The squad in which an athlete finds themselves also determines which overseas races the athlete is eligible to participate in.

Note: athletes in each squad may be different for the 3 major multisport events (Aquathlon, Duathlon and Triathlon). This means that an athlete may be in the HPP National A Squad for Triathlon, but may find themselves in the HPP Development Squad for Duathlon, based on their qualifying times.

To view the full TAS Selection Policy, please click here.

The athletes currently in the TAS Squads can be found below. Please note that these are based on 2022/January 2023 timings and can change throughout the year. This page will be thus updated periodically.

National Performance Standards (NPS)

The NPS table is a tool to measure an athlete’s potential, and his/her development in the swim and run disciplines of Triathlon.

It allows athletes to view where they are currently positioned against world’s best practices (in Triathlon), National Records (individual disciplines), and realistically worked towards closing the standard gaps.

You can view the NPS for our different squads in the TAS Selection Policy.

Eligible athletes can write in to: eugene.ong@triathlonsingapore.org

Bryce ChongNational A SquadLouisa MiddleditchNational A Squad
Luke ChuaNational A SquadHerlene YuNational A Squad
Nicholas RachmadiNational A SquadRegine GohNational A Squad
Ahmad Arif IbrahimNational A SquadJanel SusastraNational B Squad
Cedric ChuaNational A SquadCharlene TangNational Development Squad
Samir VarmaNational A SquadLim Wan TingTalent ID Squad
Aaron KissNational A Squad
Lam Wai KitNational B Squad
Ben KhooNational B Squad
Danny LimNational B Squad
Sean PatrickNational B Squad
Tan Jia HaoNational B Squad
Foo Gen LinNational Development Squad
Hoo Fang YuNational Development Squad
Aaron LeeNational Development Squad
Dylan AngNational Development Squad
Koh Sheng KaiTalent ID Squad
Crispin HuTalent ID Squad
Raphael ChauTalent ID Squad
Matthias SeahTalent ID Squad
Nicholas RachmadiNational A SquadLouisa MiddleditchNational A Squad
Ahmad Arif IbrahimNational A SquadHerlene Yu National A Squad
Keane KoNational A SquadYong Man YunNational A Squad
Lam Wai KitNational A SquadRachel HewNational B Squad
Ben KhooNational A SquadRegine GohNational Development Squad
Cedric ChuaNational B SquadGrace SuNational Development Squad
Danny LimNational B SquadDarine ChooNational Development Squad
Foo Gen LinNational B SquadNg Xuan JieNational Development Squad
Hoo Fang YuNational Development Squad
Chen JiaweiNational Development Squad
Dylan AngNational Development Squad
Marc OngNational Development Squad
Crispin HuTalent ID Squad
Ng Wei QuanTalent ID Squad
Bryce ChongNational A SquadLouisa MiddleditchNational A Squad
Luke ChuaNational A SquadHerlene YuNational A Squad
Cedric ChuaNational A SquadKathlyn YeoNational A Squad
Samir VarmaNational B SquadJanel SusastraNational B Squad
Nicholas RachmadiNational Development SquadLim Wan TingNational Development Squad
Ben KhooNational Development SquadHillary YuNational Development Squad
Danny LimNational Development SquadNeo Swee HongNational Development Squad
Koh Sheng KaiNational Development SquadShermaine TungTalent ID Squad
Kyan LowNational Development SquadBernice TanTalent ID Squad
Jerron ChuaNational Development SquadCheryl SinTalent ID Squad
Joshua LiNational Development Squad
Sean PatrickTalent ID Squad
Foo Gen LinTalent ID Squad
Dylan AngTalent ID Squad
Matthias SeahTalent ID Squad
Kok Kiat XuanTalent ID Squad
Chan LiamTalent ID Squad
James KartadinataTalent ID Squad