32nd SEA Games, Phnom Penh Cambodia

Triathlon Singapore updated the selection Policy for the 32nd SEA Games. The amendments are found in V1.4.

Please take note of the key dates:

Appendix A: Timeline

(released by SNOC on 26 September 2022)

1 November 2022Longlist and Nomination start via SportSync
12 December 2022Technical Handbook Distribution
19 December 2022Deadline for longlist and Nomination
17 January 2022Selection Committee meeting
18 January 2023Appeal Process Begins
1 February 2023Appeal Deadline
23 February 2023Appeal Committee Meeting
28 February 2023Sports Entry by Name Deadline
27 March 2023 to 10 April 2023Attire distribution (TBC)
12 April 2023Team Manager Meeting (TBC)
15 April 2023Team Singapore Flag Presentation (TBC)
5 May 2023Opening Ceremony