2019 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Lausanne – Age Group World Triathlon Championships
Are you interested to represent Singapore at the Age Group World Triathlon Championships?
Race with the world’s best triathletes in the beautiful city of Lausanne, Switzerland!
Venue: Lausanne, Switzerland
Date: 29 Aug to 1 Sept 2019
Categories: Sprint Distance Triathlon (Draft-Legal), Standard Distance Triathlon (Non-Drafting)
Event Website: 2019 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Lausanne
Triathlon Singapore is selecting athletes into our Age Group Triathlon Team to compete at the Age Group World Triathlon Championships, representing Singapore.
Athletes will be selected for their age group category in 5-years blocks: (16-19, 20-24,25-29,…) for both Men and Women.
- Singapore Citizens and PR(residing in Singapore for a minimum of 3 years)
- Members of Triathlon Singapore before the world championships events. (To apply, please visit here)
- Not represent another National Federation in the current calendar year.
- Sprint Distance: minimum 16 years old as of 31 Dec 2019
- Standard Distance: minimum 18 years old as of 31 Dec 2019
Qualifying process:
For Sprint Age Group World Triathlon Championships
- Register for the MetaSprint Triathlon race on 28 April.
- Qualified by coming in top 10 and within 10% of winner’s time, in their age group category.
- Ensure draft-legal competency
For Standard Age Group World Triathlon Championships
- Register for the TriFactor Triathlon Singapore race on 14 July.
- Write in to eugene.ong@triathlonsingapore.org by 30 June 2019, 23:59, to apply for your interest.
- Qualify by coming in top 10 and within 10% of winner’s time, in their age group category.
- All qualified athletes will be send an invitation email within 3 days of the qualifying event, with registration instructions for the Age Group World Triathlon Championships
- If you think you qualified but have NOT received any invitation email, please write in to eugene.ong@triathlonsingapore.org to enquire
Discretionary qualification:
- For athletes whom had NOT qualified via the above qualifying process, or for athletes residing overseas.
- Write in to eugene.ong@triathlonsingapore.org by 30 June 2019, 23:59, to apply for your interest.
Due to quota number of slots available for each National Federation, entries via discretionary qualification will be considered on a case-by-case. Priority will be given to athletes whom had already qualified via the qualifying process.
Race Requirements:
- ITU Competition Rules and Regulation applies.
- Bike: ITU compliant bike for Sprint (Draft-Legal) and Standard (Non-Drafting)
- Race Suit: Team SGP approved race suit (Cost: $180-$200), manufacturing time: estimated 1 month
- Fully Self-funded: Entry Fees (Sprint CHF 330, Standard CHF 350, Package CHF 550), Travel and Accommodation, Travel Insurance, Race Suit
For enquires, please write in to eugene.ong@triathlonsingapore.org