Triathlon Focus Group Discussion for Multi Year Strategic Planning

Dear Athletes, Partners and Members of the Triathlon Family,

Greetings from TAS! It is our hope to be able to communicate and understand current perceptions, identify gaps, learn, gather information, and in the process establish a National Aligned Strategic Plan for the Sport of Triathlon in Singapore.

As we embark on a strategic planning exercise for our upcoming Multi-year Sports planning* with Sport Singapore, TAS is keen to take this opportunity to seek your inputs and work with you and the larger fraternity to establish a comprehensive plan to grow and enhance the sporting ecosystem for triathlon here in Singapore.  We are excited at this opportunity to engage with members and are looking forward to hearing your needs and ideas for triathlon and its overall, development, promotion and support in Singapore

As we embark on a new chapter for Triathlon, please take some time to fill up the online survey in the link attached. Please feel free to share the survey with your friends and interested partners as we seek to get inputs on the ground for the development of the plan.


There will be a focus group discussion on Saturday, the 29th of Sept 2018 at the Sports Hub from 9am to 12 noon. Please register your interest to attend through this link.




*the MYSP is a 4 strategic planning exercise conducted by SportdSG and Deloitte Singapore that helps NSA’s establish a group up framework for the development and management of sport.



TAS Management Committee