Our Technical Officials in Korea and Japan

2018 Gunsan Saemangeum ASTC Long Distance Triathlon Asian Championships
Peter Chua, Technical Delegate
2018 ITU World Triathlon Yokohama
Alvin Tay, Sharon Khoo, Siew Yee & Thong Hua

Brian Selby led the Technical Officials’ in Hong Kong

Brian Selby was the assigned Technical Delegate to the 2018 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Junior Asian Championships which took place in Plover Cove, Tai Po on 6th May. He is one of our Technical Officials with a Level 2 certification and has been with TAS for the past 10 years. In 2018, TAS has already seen 13 assignments by ITU/ASTC given to our Technical Officials.

Peter Chua assigned to Chengdu

Peter Chua, our own Level 3 TO and also an ITU Facilitator, was assigned to the 2018 Chengdu ITU Technical Officials Level 1 Seminar which was held on 2-3 May 2018.

The seminar saw 28 participants who will be on their journey towards becoming ITU Level 1 Technical Officials (NTO). The 2018 Chengdu ITU Triathlon World Cup was held on the weekend following the seminar thus giving the participants an opportunity to put their learning into practice, which is also a pre-requisite before validating themselves as NTOs.

“Junior TOs worked closely with the senior ones. The participants experienced a whole new level of interaction by sharing their experiences and being pro-active in any discussions or role-playing scenarios”, commented Peter.

Peter was also the appointed Head Referee for the race weekend.

Our SFTOs serving overseas races

The Self-Funded Technical Officials (SFTO) Program by ITU has been actively supported by our TOs in TAS. One of the requirements to be validated as National Technical Official (also known as a Level 1 TO) is to serve in an ITU race. This SFTO program is one of the avenues for our TOs to either get themselves validated or to add to their list of officiating experiences.

“Technical officials with appropriate credentials for the level of the particular completion and in good standings with their federations are encouraged to apply for the programme.  While requiring to fund all expenses including accommodation and travel, the programme extends their experience and knowledge through ITU events worldwide.” (source: www.triathlon.org)

TAS is the first country in Asia to be awarded the Accredited Technical Officials’ Education Programme (ATOEP) followed by Japan & Korea. NFs with ATOEP status may certify their TOs up to NTO level. “We will upkeep our level of TO education to match those provided by ITU, so as to produce professionally trained TOs ready to serve not only at national events, but up to international level, says David Hoong, President of TAS and also a Level 3 TO with ITU.

The past 2 weeks saw 2 overseas race venues with our SFTOs officiating:-

2018 Subic Bay NTT ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup –
Phiip Hall

2018 Chengdu ITU Triathlon World Cup –
Jenny Wee, Joey Sin, Peter Chua, Sharon Khoo & Vivian Chee

TAS holds a Level 1 Seminar for Technical Officials

TAS held the ITU Technical Officials Level 1 Seminar on 28-29 April 2018 at the Singapore Sports Hub. ITU Facilitators Daniel Sng and Omar Bakar, led by David Hoong, ensured the participants are kept up-to-date with the latest progress in Triathlon which included ITU rules changes.

2 NTOs and 5 CL2-TOs attended this 2 full-day seminar by invitation upon fulfilling their selection criteria, to certify or re-validate themselves as National Technical Official (NTO). “The level of enthusiasms and involvements of the participants gave us the opportunity to out-perform ourselves as Facilitators and got us involved in their role-plays and group presentations,” said David.

Participants were seen “participatively-fun” over the 2 days and were looking forward to completing their post race assignments to fulfil the requirements of the seminar. “We are encouraging our seminars to be more involved with interactions allowing the feel of real-life officiating scenarios leaving the detailed slides reading at home,” added Peter Chua, Chair of TAS Technical Committee.

At the end of the course, participants were briefed on the post-seminar requirements motivating everyone on the Self-Funding Technical Officials (SFTO) programme. TAS sees more than 20 SFTO applications this year.

A pre-NTO level course, the TAS Technical Official’s Community Level 2 will be held in July 2018. Participants from our current pool of CL1-TOs, Physical Education teachers, athletes, parents, coaches and event organisers will be filling up this class.